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Anyone know if current DLPs will work with upcoming 3-D Blu-Rays? (1 Viewer)

Jesse Skeen

Senior HTF Member
Apr 24, 1999
This may be too early to ask, but does anyone know if there's at least a possibility of the current Mitsubishi DLP sets that are out right now working with the 3-D Blu-Ray standard when it comes out next year? I know the TVs have been marked "3-D Ready" for a while, but that really applies just to video from a PC- in fact I saw a display at Fry's with one and a sign in small print said "A standard for 3-D on Blu-Ray disc has not yet been established, and it may or may not be compatible with this TV."

I'm also wondering if any current TVs can display the older field-sequential 3-D properly? I tried it on a Samsung LCD and it worked when the camera was moving, but still shots blended the left and right images together- it looked like some processing the TV was doing and I couldn't find a way to override it. The quality of field-sequential isn't perfect but I have a few rare titles on VHS that I'd like to still be able to watch.

If there's a good chance of the Mitsubishis working with the upcoming Blu-Ray standard I might finally get one- I've been debating for YEARS on a new TV, waiting for just the right thing to come along, and I'm hopefully going to finally bite on something by the end of this year. The 73-inchers are getting pretty cheap and they're what I've been wanting for a while, but I like the LCDs because they have perfect geometry and little to no overscan, so if neither will do 3-D I might just go with the LCD, then wait a few more years to see if the 3D standard really takes off.


Nov 16, 2009
Real Name
i would also like to know this.looks like i'm gonna wait till end of 2010 to get a tv cause so much is gonna change since 3d may become the new thing.Best bet will probably be a panasonic 3d plasma that's 65 inches for me but im hoping they can get to 75 inches even if they have to charge $4000 so than there's not muh reason to get a dlp other than price..Plasmas do beat out rear projection because of the viewing angles for sure and i can now see the picture difference is better on plasma.I do own a 73 inch wd 73737 rear projection but my friend has a panasonic 65 inch s1 and i would gladly trade since the viewing angles and when i get up and see the picture change is annoying but it is a good picture its just not as good as the new panasonic plasmas.

Jesse Skeen

Senior HTF Member
Apr 24, 1999
Still no definite answers? The Blu-Ray specs are out now, hopefully somebody out there knows something! I'm REALLY itching to get a new TV as the one I have now is 13 years old- I'd buy a DLP right now if I knew it'd work with 3D, or at least wait for compatible flatscreens if I knew what their prices would be.


His Own Fool
Senior HTF Member
Aug 18, 2001
The BK
Real Name
Did you try directing the question to Mits? At this point, I'd think your best bet is to ask them and then see if their response jives w/ what everyone thinks of it (to help make sure they are giving you a solid answer).


Jesse Skeen

Senior HTF Member
Apr 24, 1999
I called Mitsubishi last week, and all they could tell me was that they were researching it- this was after asking me for a ton of information like my email address and what TV I currently own. Yesterday on HDGuru.com they posted an interview with someone from Mitsubishi, who mentioned that there will be "solutions" for their existing TVs to handle the new 3D standard, details coming at the CES show. Looks like I'll be waiting for that to happen and find out what 3D capable TVs will be coming out and what they'll cost. If they don't tell us that, I'll just go ahead with the 73-inch DLP since that seems the most future-proof right now and I can't wait much longer to replace my current TV.

The amount of non-information out there about 3D is frustrating- one day you hear about it like it's just around the corner, then later you hear stuff like the first release of "Avatar" might not even be in 3D, and it seems like that would be an ideal first title to get on the market.


Senior HTF Member
Aug 20, 2000
I wouldn't hold my breath that any of these present "3D-ready" sets will actually be compatible with these new specs. This situation reminds me of all of the sets that were sold as "HD-ready".

Steve Berger

Supporting Actor
Sep 8, 2001
The one thing that I have heard is that it would require a set with higher refresh rate capability. 120hz minimum.

Jesse Skeen

Senior HTF Member
Apr 24, 1999
It turns out you'll need to buy an adaptor- don't know what it will cost, and speculation is that it might not display full 1080p resolution. I've already bit on a 55-inch LCD anyways so it's too late for me right now. We'll just have to see what comes out later.

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