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  1. Fisher.King

    24, season 2: help solve the mystery of the chip ...

    i hadn't thought of that. so this is what could've happened: possible chain of events: Hewitt is hired by Kingsley to construct the cyprus recordings. he then gets a visit from Wallace, who plants the recordings in Ali's appartment and asks Hewitt for a copy of the source recordings. Hewitt...
  2. Fisher.King

    24, season 2: help solve the mystery of the chip ...

    but Kate's role is just a minor one, so why would CTU pass that info up, and Stanton/CIA pass it down? It is possible, and for lack of a better one, i'll go with this one.
  3. Fisher.King

    24, season 2: help solve the mystery of the chip ...

    I thought they operated under radio silence and that they are usually not in the habit of sharing all their intelligence, but of course, it could have been like that.
  4. Fisher.King

    24, season 2: help solve the mystery of the chip ...

    After watching the second season of 24, we were left with some questions concerning the chip that supposedly contained the source recordings that were mixed down to fabricate the cyprus recording. Why did someone make this chip, and who was it? While speculating about this, we came up with te...